Monday, August 29, 2016

im BACK!!!

hello guys!!! im back! after all this time im finally back on this blog! some of you guys might be happy to see me and some of you guys may not be? but it doesn't matter the point is i am back with more of these blog post!!! i will be writing more of these crazy nerdy geeky things and hopefully you guys will like this stuff and maybe i can get you guys into new Fandoms, Anime, and other fun stuff for you.
well i guess thats all for now? well see you guys in the next post!!! bye!!!

Monday, June 6, 2016


hey guys! today im going to tell you a couple of thing to do over the summer so i hope this helps you guys with nothing to do this summer! so the frist thing you can do is write a story, read, go outside, watch TV, play video games, watch YouTube videos, go out of town, make a creepypasta!, make a YouTube channel, do something you never did before. do something your scared to do. do something you never thought you would do in your life. the world is big so go explore! don't let anyone or anything hold you back from what you really want to do.... so this this summer be you and be awesome!

Monday, May 9, 2016

top 10 dubstep songs i think you should check out!


Harry Poter dubstep remix


                                                             Silent Hill theam dupstep remix

                                                              Aero Chord: Be Free

                                                                  Aero Chord : Titans

                                                                   Bill Cipher dubstep


                                                                  Eiffel 65: blue (remix)


Mr. Mermaid: get busy


The Sun Is Shining

                                        message man on a carousel (21 pilots/ carousel mashup)


Aero Chord: Surface

well i hoped you liked this ton ten and also tell me witch song you liked the most and also tell me if you wanna see anouther top ten.... until next time!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Invisible (a poem by me!)

this is a poem made by me.... i hope you guys like it..

im just a girl left alone in this world but i can't be seen. if you knew me you'd be terrified and try to hide from me. in the shadows were i live i see everything. i shouldn't be walking, i shouldn't be talking for i said to much. please don't kill me i just wanted to help. 

don't you leave me here stranded playing on my own, i've been here longer than you've known, i have seen things that i shouldn't but i still rome, if you love me but still hate me then don't let me go. don't ignore me i know im not invisible. 

the world is a dark place thats how i see it all. the hell that i've been threw i live in it today. i have my mommy and daddy killing with me i love them and they love me so.

 don't leave here stranded playing on  my own. i've been here longer than you've known. i have seen things that i shouldn't but i still rome. if you love me but still hate me, don't let me go. don't let ignore me i know im invisible. 

i want the life i forgot but im invisible i need to get out but im invisible.

 don't you leave me here stranded playing on my own, i've been here longer than you've known, i have seen things that i shouldn't but i still rome, if you love me but still hate me then don't let me go, don't ignore me i know im not invisible.  

don't you leave me here stranded playing on my own, i've been here longer than you've known, i have seen things that i shouldn't but i still rome, if you love me but still hate me then don't let me go, don't ignore me i know im not invisible.  


Monday, May 2, 2016

top 10 comic book couples/ships

                                                      top 10 comic book couples!

 Batman X Catwoman

Joker X Harley Quinn

Gambit X Rouge

Nightcarlwer X Storm


Cyclops X Emma Frost


Superman X Wonder Woman

Hawkeye X BlackWidow

StarLord X Gamora


Colossus X ShadowCat



Deapool X Death

well i hoped you guys liked these amazing superheros ships and cuples! so let me know wich couple was your favoret and wich one you like to see next time! well until the next blog post i guess? oh well bye!!!!

Monday, March 21, 2016

If I Was A Demigod...

hi guys! so today im going to tell you something! so lately i have been reading the Percy Jackson books and so that got me thinking what if i was a demigod like in the books! so i will tell you guys what god i would be the Daughter of! so i think i would best be the daughter of Poseidon god of the sea!!! 

i think this because i like swimming, i care about the thing's that us humans do to the environment, i believe in mermaids! (even though im 13 i still believe!!!), i read all the percy jackson books!, i love the color blue, love music, and i just love nature in general! 

so that is why i think i would be the dauther of Poseidon! 

tell me what you guys think!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Marble Hornets

hi guys! so today im going to talk about a sires on YouTube called 'Marble Hornets'. and what this sires is about, it's about how a group of people started doing this filming project and all the sudden just stopped right in the middle of it! a guy named jay (who was helping make the flim) is told by guy named Alex (who started this hole thing) to burn all of the tapes that they made during the hole film. jay starts to wonder about why he would just stop right in the middle of filming and why he wants him to burn the tapes? watch to find out what happens! 

Monday, February 29, 2016

Silent Hill!!!!!

hello guys! so lately i have been playing a video game called Silent Hill. it is another favoret game of mine! and i will forever love this game! even if people talk bad about it! so basically this game is about facing fears and fighting psychological monsters! and what that means is that each monster in the games are manifestations of a fear or the monster just represents something. but for those of you that have heard of the game and/or played the game before then you should already know that. 

this is a Dubstep remix that i found and i think you guys should check it out!!! the song is super awesome! and also they made 2 Silent Hill movies the frist is Silent Hill and the second movie is Silent Hill: Revolution i love both movies and for once they are the frist 2 horror movies that i watched and that haven't made me scream! this is a really good movie trust me guys your gonna love it

 this is my favoret song in the Silent Hill soundtrack... this was in the game.

Monday, February 22, 2016

FNAF Ships?!?!?!

Hi guys! Today I wanted to talk about Purple Guy!  He is my favorite  character in Five Nights At Freddy's! So basically to get things outta the way he is also Springtrap! So Purple Guy  (Vincent) is Springtrap! I also wanted to say the people is ship in FNAF! Ok... so please don't judge me I ship these people and I think they are cute couples! I ship Purple Guy x Phone guy, Mike x Jeremy, Foxy X Mangle, Chica x Bonnie, Toy Bonnie x Toy Freddy, The Marinette x Golden Freddy, and ya that's basically it.... so ya don't judge me! And if you ship these people let me know!

Monday, February 15, 2016

FNAF Club!

Hi guys! Today I want to write about something I have started at my school with a small group of my friends! I have started... a Five Nights At Freddy's CLUB! Or FNAF club for short. So basically what we do is we chose the characters we want to be and we sort of act like are characters so kinda like rolplay but different...
But anyways I am the leader/ president of the group! My character is Purple Guy/ SpringTrap! Cuz he is awesome! Other characters that are taken are The Marinette, Mangle, Mike, Golden Freddy (Goldie), Bonnie, and Ballon Boy... ya... but anyways it's just a fun thing! And if you go to my school you can join! Just let me now! ;) well anyways until next time!

Monday, February 8, 2016

my youtube channel!

hi guys! today i am going to talk about my YouTube Channel... i know that might not be one of the most exciting things to talk about but today i want to tell you what you might see in the up coming future of my channel if you have already subscribed to me. so i am planing on adding cosplay to my channel, like i might cosplay as Sally and Clockwork from the Creepypasta fandom, and also i will try to do some human FNAF cosplay too. i will talk about more crazy thing! and i will just be awesome! i will be talking more about other fandoms and not just MARVEL i will do cazy things! and i might dance... don't judge me... well anyways if you have already subscribed to my channel then expect to see that, and if you haven't subscribed to me then why not subscribe to me my youtube channel name is X-nerdz so check it out! 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Don't Forget The Sun! By: Get Scared

ok so today i thought i tell you guys about this really cool song by Get Scared! witch is an awesome band i think you should go check  them out! and i really love there song Don't forget the sun! and honestly it's one of my favorite songs in the whole world! 
the song has a lot of meaning to me and i think this songs is about when you get that feeling when your just feeling down and you just have a lot on your mind and you don't know what to do,but as your thinking this just remember that things will get better and you should never forget that. well that's what i think the song means but if you think differently then ok? 
this song also reminds of Ticci Toby one of my FAVORITE  CrEEPYPASTA'S!!!! so ya!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Doctor Who?

Hi guys this is X-Men back with another blog post! To day I will be talking about  1 of my favorite Fandom, and that is, Doctor Who! For those of you that don't know what Doctor who is then I recamend that you go check it out! It's just super action packed and amazing! If you love Syfi or anything that relates to it then doctor who is for you! The show is about a timelord  (human like alien) named the doctor  he goes around space and time helping and saving the world from danger . He has his companions (witch are mostly girls) and goes on amazing adventures with them! There are many different versions of the Doctor for every time he regenerates. My favorite version of him is the 10th, 11th, and 12th doctor ! So go check it out! The show is rated pg-13  just saying

Monday, January 25, 2016


Image result for death note

hey guys im back!! and i have good news! i have been watching this amazing anime called Death Note and it's the best anime i have ever seen i recommend it to anyone that loves anime! so please check it out! it's about this teenage boy named light and he fines this notebook called the Death Note. they way the death note works is you writes someones name in the notebook you must know how they look like and there full name, and once you write the name you can't think about the person you wrote one the notebook or it work. this anime is full of adventure and action! if you already know the anime then thats AWESOME!
my favorite character is L because he never takes things to serious and he's super funny and cool! L is BAE!!!!! ok but if you think differently then ok. i love this anime so much! so please check it out and tell me what you think!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Alice In Wonderland: Madness returns

ok so this is my favoret game in the whole world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the game is called Alice in Wonderland: Madness Retruns. it's about alice and the crazy adventures she goes threw to save her wonderland from dying. the game is amazing! just amazing! if you don't like blood, gore, or anything creepy/scary then this game isn't for you. if you don'y know the true story behind Alice in Wonderland then im going to say it now to you. Alice was a girl that lost her family to a fire and after that she was thought/ said to be Insane. she started having weird dreams. and those dreams are whats going on in her wonderland. so thats basicly the story so.... ya... well anyways thats all for now

until next time if you have any games that you like then let me now!

Monday, January 4, 2016

2016!!!! we did it nerdz!!!


hey guys! i just want to say that it's finely 2016 and i am super happy because the new superhero movies are all coming out! but lets get down to bisniss ok? so in 2016 you wont just be seeing superheros your going to be seeing other fandoms like Five nights at Freddy's, Creepypasta, anime, Doctor Who, and so much more! so be expecting a lot of nerdy stuff ok? so if you have any other fandoms like video games or TV show then let me know in the comment below.

just becuase im talking about other fandoms doesn't mean that i still wont be talking about MARVEL. i will always talk about MARVEL and the X-Men. but  other fandoms need me! so i changed my blog so that it fits in with all fandoms. my personal favoret next to X-Men is Doctor Who!