Monday, January 4, 2016

2016!!!! we did it nerdz!!!


hey guys! i just want to say that it's finely 2016 and i am super happy because the new superhero movies are all coming out! but lets get down to bisniss ok? so in 2016 you wont just be seeing superheros your going to be seeing other fandoms like Five nights at Freddy's, Creepypasta, anime, Doctor Who, and so much more! so be expecting a lot of nerdy stuff ok? so if you have any other fandoms like video games or TV show then let me know in the comment below.

just becuase im talking about other fandoms doesn't mean that i still wont be talking about MARVEL. i will always talk about MARVEL and the X-Men. but  other fandoms need me! so i changed my blog so that it fits in with all fandoms. my personal favoret next to X-Men is Doctor Who!

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