Monday, December 7, 2015

Say NO! to judgment!

OK so lets talk about something very important! and it has to with something i think we've all  dealed with. discrimination and what that is it's when someone judges you just because of how you look or because you have a different religion or something! this happens a lot with the x-men because they are mutants and are 'different' and that's because everyone is afraid of them and i think that's not fair at all! if you ever of X-Men's Days of future past that's about the last surviving x-men trying to set thing's right! so they send one of the x-men to go back to the past and making sure that a man named trask doesn't make a robot known as a sentenal witch is programmed to kill all mutants in site! it's sad reading this comic book because all  of your favoret x-men die but then it's all back to normal! this is based of discrimination and people's fear of the unknown.. this isn't right! it's like there telling us to fear everything that's new to us that's not right! and what if the 'new things' are actully good and could help us out..think about it.


  1. thanks I agree! it's very important to talk about this stuff!

  2. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat no clue [<><>] im watching u
