Monday, November 30, 2015

this isn't Fake guys! TRUE STORY!

ok guys so today i guess i'm just writing about....well? i don't know what to talk about i guess i'm just typing for no reason? actually let me tell about something really creepy that happened to me over thanks giving break and what ever you read just keep this mind... it's 100% real, true, and it's not fake!!! so me and my my brother were just being kids and we went to a forest near by with are dad (of cores). we were just walking and climbing trees and being a bunch of monkeys! when we heard a sound i thought it was a stupid branch or something but my brother being him self he went to see what it was and we found the unbelievable! i thought it was a bear or something but we didn't know what it was so we ran out of there! it looked like a bear but it was bigger, and it had a weird face like the skull of a dead bull only with out the horns and all sitched up? and this thing must have been at least like some sort of animal or something? but it wasn't... and what was worst was that this thing! had claw like features like it looked like it could stand up and it could go on all fours... i didn't know what it was but all i know is that this thing wasn't normal.
i went online to see what goggle would give me for an answer but it said this thing was a mythological creature called the Seed Eater. this thing is known for eating small children. i read all the stories about it but i found it hard to belive... but know that i'm thinking about this i'm beinging to wonder is all the things that human thinks 'fake' real? or is that in are heads too?... this isn't fake guys i don't care if you don't think i'm lying but i'm telling the truth!!!

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