Tuesday, December 15, 2015


hey like Creepypasta's? well i love them!!!  i have a bunch of Creepypasta's that i will love for life!!! but the one i think i'm going to love for life the most...are the Proxies. for those of you that don't know who the Proxies are they are Masky, Hoodie, and Ticci Toby. but if you want they're real names they are Tim (Masky), Brian (Hoodie), and Toby (Ticci Toby). i love Creepypasta because the stories have so much detail, and it feels like your in story yourself!,   the stories are very detailed and vied. they are scary stories so if you like all the creepy, scary, and all the blood and gore then crrepypasta's are for you! this is a video of the proxies. if your wondering what the song is called. it's called Another Way Out BY: Hollywood Undead.

Monday, December 14, 2015

the perfect song for Mr. sinister!

hey guys. so lately i was reading one of my x-men comics that involved Gambit and his awesome girlfriend Rouge! and in this comic they get faced to faced with Mr. sinister an evil guy that Gambit has in countered before! and so then i began to think about sinister and how he's more of that type of guy that wants to rule over! so then i began to think...'how would it feel like to be royal?' so then i began to think 'what song involves royalty or the feeling of being royal?' so then i remembered that Panic! at the disco made a new song! and it's called 'the emperors new clothes' and it talks about being royal and taking over the world! so if i ever make an 'X-Men charterer them songs' then i'll put this song on for Mr. sinister ok!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Top 3 Imagine Dragons songs! ((and they have to do with MARVEL))

hey guys! I just wanted to point out my top 3 Imagine Dragons songs! so lets get to it! so coming out as my number 3 Gold. to me it talks about being careful what you wish for! because thing's can get bad! if your not careful! this goes for hero's once you think about it
OK so coming at my number 2 is Warriors.to me this talks about fighting for what's right and to never give up no matter what! even when people take credit for what you worked so hard for this goes perfectly with the X-Men because people see them as freaks... And not the true hero they all are this proves people don't believe them but that wont stop them from saving the world!
And coming at my number 1 is Monster. this is my personal favorite because it talks about what would happen if you revideled your true self to the world... and the question's you ask about what would happen if you did this or that? this fits with all heroes because all heroes have dealed with something like this before. trying to figure out there true selves and see what would happen if this or that happen.

well guys thank you for reading this guys I really hope you all like this Top 3 if you don't agree with the list then tell me what song do you think should have gotten number 1 ? and if you think I should do another top 3 then tell me what should I make it about!? well anyways bye! until next time!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Say NO! to judgment!

OK so lets talk about something very important! and it has to with something i think we've all  dealed with. discrimination and what that is it's when someone judges you just because of how you look or because you have a different religion or something! this happens a lot with the x-men because they are mutants and are 'different' and that's because everyone is afraid of them and i think that's not fair at all! if you ever of X-Men's Days of future past that's about the last surviving x-men trying to set thing's right! so they send one of the x-men to go back to the past and making sure that a man named trask doesn't make a robot known as a sentenal witch is programmed to kill all mutants in site! it's sad reading this comic book because all  of your favoret x-men die but then it's all back to normal! this is based of discrimination and people's fear of the unknown.. this isn't right! it's like there telling us to fear everything that's new to us that's not right! and what if the 'new things' are actully good and could help us out..think about it.