Monday, October 19, 2015

bullying.. lets talk

OK guys i know i was going to make part 2 of Wolverines origin but i'm going to stop that for a little bit just to talk about something very important... i think we all know what it is...Bullying. i know, i know i don't want to talk about this myself but i feel that it's important to kids all around the WORLD! you may be wondering what Bulling has to to with comics, heroes, and that other stuff, well you see it does... in the world of the X-men they get bullied by society because for some reason in there world everyone HATES mutants because there born with powers? um... if i was born with powers that would be awesome! because you don't have to dump your self in radioactive wastes! ever thought of that!

and i mean people are being bullied for the stupidest things like clothes, how they look, cause there to this, to that, and worse... but i'm going to do something about it! i'm going to choose to stop this i want everyone to just stop! so just think what if you were bullied i know you might not think about it but try! you probably wouldn't like at ALL! it hurts a lot! the pain, the suffering, and the fact that the person won't talk about when you want to help them... it hurts so i say stop the hurt and replace it with love these people die! becuase of the stupid things... so plaese STOP! i said what i had to say.


  1. I used to get bullied, in grades 1 and 2. 3 and 5 weren't so bad cause I actually had friends, but 4th felt bad the first half (first half I hung out w/ a messed up 3rd grade and 3 2nd graders, second half with a 5th grader, and her friends, and one 4th grader who stuck to me like glue). No one really liked me in my class and the stupid 3rd grader was smarter than me, bragging all the time.

  2. You are so brave to talk about it. Sometimes we the people said many things without thinking about the consequences in the other and is so but because you can hurt filling and influence in the decision of other in a bad way.

  3. You are so brave to talk about it. Sometimes we the people said many things without thinking about the consequences in the other and is so but because you can hurt filling and influence in the decision of other in a bad way.
